How Effective are Fluoride Mouthwash?

Worldwide Systemic Review Confirms Benefits

Dental professionals have seen research supporting the evidence of the benefits of fluoride. It is known that fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by slowing the breakdown of enamel and increasing the rate of the remineralization process, making the enamel more resistant to acid. While dentists see the effects of fluoride in their general practice, can this be proved by statistics? Research is still ongoing and needs to be constantly systemically reviewed.

In 2016, the Cochrane Oral Health Group published its most recent review in which the objective was to determine the effectiveness and safety of fluoride mouthrinses in preventing dental caries in the child and adolescent population. This review included 37 trials involving 15,813 children and adolescents from different countries and spread over two to three years. Mostly trials based in schools and under supervision, the children were tested with sodium fluoride mouthrinses in specific concentrations.

There appear to be no significant differences regarding baseline caries severity, background exposure to fluorides, rinsing frequency or fluoride concentration. It confirmed that supervised, regular use of a fluoride mouthrinse can reduce tooth decay in both children and adolescents.

The combined results showed a 27% reduction in dental caries in subjects with decayed, missing and filled tooth surfaces when compared to another group that didn’t use fluoride mouthrinses. There was limited information on adverse effects or tolerance of children to the rinsing. The trial didn’t include children with primary teeth. Hence, there’s still room for more research.

The review has demonstrated the beneficial effects of fluoridated mouthrinses and more and more dentists trust the use of this compound in their practise.

Issaquah Dentists and Evidence-based Care

Over at Meadow Creek Dental, our professionals are in sync with trends and latest research findings in the dental field. When it comes to products and tools to advance patient care, we are always at the forefront of continuing education. Learn more about the benefits of fluoride mouthwash from your Issaquah dentist.

You Can Tell if Your Child is at Risk for Caries

Tell-Tale Signs Your Kid is High-Risk

Most 2 year olds have never been to a dental clinic and, in fact, 25% of kids in kindergarten have not seen a dentist face-to-face. If parents know what to watch out in their toddlers, including what they feed them, they’d be aware that bad or good habits are forming contributory to their oral health. As parents, you have to ask yourself.

Does your child have special health care needs including physical, developmental, mental, sensory, behavioral, cognitive or emotional impairment?

A child with such a special need have difficulties learning proper oral care; parents themselves will have to perform brushing and flossing on the children. In some cases, the child will have to be reminded all the time. And then, does he or she snack several times a day? Constant exposure to sweet or starchy foods enables the buildup of tartar on tooth surfaces and crevices, including under the gums and hard-to-reach areas. Same thing happens if your child frequently takes sodas, juices, shakes, or sports drinks in lieu of water.

And is your child currently on the bottle or nursing?

Know that it can lead to baby bottle syndrome, a condition of tooth decay that develops on the infant or a nursing child’s dentition due to long- staying bottle feeding. This can happen if the child sleeps with his bottle or if it is used as a pacifier. The liquids rich in sugar tend to stick around, especially on the upper front teeth, and are a magnet for bacterial attack.

Have you brought your child to the dentist already?

It is advisable that at the appearance of his first baby teeth, parents should already have dental consultations. The dentist will advise you properly. He will tell you to brush baby’s teeth before bedtime with a soft cloth or wet soft toothbrush, to lessen snacking and intake of sugary drinks, to drink fluoridated water, and to wean your toddler off the bottle by one year of age, at least. He will certainly also ask you to bring the patient to him regularly.

Meeting Your Toddler’s Issaquah Dentist

Know more about keeping your child away from tooth decay. Without knowing it you might be starting your toddler on certain habits affecting his oral health. We are just as concerned. Come visit us at Meadow Creek Dental for your baby’s first exam.

A Parent’s Guide to Child Dental Emergencies

Most Common Dental Emergencies among Kids

Yes, it is very distressing when your little child encounters a dental emergency. These accidents are extremely common among children at two points in their development. Firstly crucial is that period between 18 to 40 months when exploration begins, and the second being that of the preadolescent to adolescent stage when sports injuries happen.

So what are the most common emergencies to expect? Toothache is the most commonplace among children across all ages and doesn’t happen without reason. Most times, it’s due to tooth fractures, tooth decay, tooth trauma, and wisdom teeth eruption. A dental visit is in order. There’s what’s called a tooth avulsion or when a tooth gets knocked-out. Right away the dentist will attempt to reimplant the tooth if it’s a permanent one; otherwise not, if it is a primary (or baby’s) tooth, less it will only damage the emerging permanent tooth bud just after it.

Then there are occasions of tooth intrusion, or the tooth is pushed upwards into the jaw bone. The force might be great enough to tear the ligaments and fracture the socket. Whether it is a primary or a permanent tooth involvement, the dentist may perform root canal treatment to save the tooth.

Tooth luxation is a lateral displacement where the tooth remains in its socket but is unnaturally inclined.It might be due to trauma that could fracture the bone underneath. A primary tooth partially out of its socket will heal on its own. The dentist, though, should save a permanent tooth and prevent infection. A dental concussion occurs after a bang, knock or fall that may not displace any tooth and didn’t cause fracture. However, if it involves a toddler’s teeth, discoloration can occur.

Crown fractures, from enamel cracks to pulp exposure, are also common emergencies. The dentist will immediately treat according to the level of involvement. Root fractures are determined by X-rays and depending on the child’s discomfort, the dentist will monitor and treat, or extract the tooth in certain scenarios. Other conditions like fractured jaw, head injury or head trauma, and uncontrolled bleeding from cuts or injury to the cheek, lips or tongue require immediate medical attention. A trip to the Emergency Room of a hospital is in order.

Do You have a Child Dental Emergency?

Don’t be agitated or frightened. Just call your Issaquah dentist right away who will tell you what to do and properly guide you. Or drop by Meadow Creek Dental – emergencies are our priority.

Issaquah Dentist says: Dental Implants for All

What Makes and Doesn’t Make You an Ideal Candidate for Implants?

While fixed bridges and removable dentures used to be the norm for missing teeth, these days, many dentists and patients are going for dental implants. And why not? This mode of treatment gives a natural look and feel in the mouth, protects healthy bone and keeps your natural teeth in place. They are built to last a lifetime with their predictable outcomes.

Most people are good candidates for dental implants. As long as you have healthy gums, sufficient bone in your jaw and of good quality, and a commitment to proper oral hygiene, you are a fine candidate for implants. Some may not be ideal candidates, but that depends on your dentist’s judgment and the severity of the patient’s condition. They have to do with the health of your gums and jaw bone.

There are young people whose bones are still growing, hence, the jaw bone lacks maturity. Heavy smoking, excessive alcohol use, high-dose radiation to the head and neck, and severely depressed immune system all slow down healing significantly after implant surgery and can contribute to dental implant failure. Pregnancy also alters the state of the gums and consistency of bone. Those who grind their teeth are another less-than-ideal candidates. Then, persons with chronic diseases or systemic problems like uncontrolled diabetes, connective-tissue disease, and hemophilia have issues with bleeding gums, brittleness of bone, and frequent infections.

However, these patients may still be candidates for dental implants, depending on the dentist’s discretion and after proper evaluation. If the situation is not too far gone, meaning there is still sufficient quantity and quality of jaw bone, and the dentist finds adequately healthy gum tissue to work on, implants can still be an option. You, as the patient, should also commit to proper oral hygiene and regular follow-ups to ensure implant success.

Ensuring Dental Implant Success in Issaquah

Are you ready for implants? Know from your Issaquah dentist if you are a candidate for this popular and reliable restoration procedure everyone is talking about.

Biomimetic Dentistry has come to Issaquah

What is Biomimetic Dentistry?

Translated to BIO, meaning ‘lifelike’, and MIMETIC, meaning ‘copy’, Biomimetic dentistry simply means to copy what is lifelike. This discipline works on the premise that since nothing is as good as your natural tooth structure, and if a part of it is decayed or broken, only the damaged section is taken out and replaced by a restoration that bonds tightly and keeps bacteria and other debris out. The outcome should be as natural-looking as the original part, as strong, and as durable.

Biomimetic Dentistry is, hence, restorative and cosmetic in purpose. The dental materials used, such as composite resins and ceramic materials, mimic natural tooth structure in appearance and function as to not be obvious that a restoration was done. A hard tissue bond is the preferred material as it withstands stress better, while biomimetic applications ensure the tightness, allow no shrinkage or gaps that give access to bacterial invasion.

This practice conserves as much tooth structure as possible, doesn’t use materials (like amalgam) that require extensive tooth grinding or drilling, avoids crowns and implants because more grinding is needed to fit them, and reduces the need for root canal treatments for it preserves more tooth structure that protects the pulp.

Biomimetics in Issaquah

Dr. Dipti Srivastava is a qualified Biomimetic dentist who brings this science to Issaquah. She transfers the philosophy of conservation and return to function in indicated cases in a way only a trained and experience practitioner can. Our patients find this type of dentistry less stressful to them and not as expensive compared to traditional dental procedures.

Putting on a Smile without the Wait by your Issaquah Dentist

Your Pick: Lumineers or Snap-ons?

Traditional porcelain veneers are still popular, custom-designed casings that fit frontal teeth to change their look and appeal. Though strong and natural-looking, veneers are permanent solutions and require that your natural teeth undergo some adjustments before they are fitted. Adequate enamel reduction and reshaping is necessary so that when veneers are bonded, they align perfectly with the rest of your dentition.

Lumineers are an alternative to porcelain veneers. They are ultra-thin, slimmer than traditional veneers, require little to no enamel reduction of natural teeth or extensive preps, or multiple visits. Your Lumineers are sturdy, long-lasting solutions of up to 20 years, and are incredibly quick to produce. You must also know that, since not all dentists have training to apply this system, we assure you that your Issaquah dentist is Lumineers-certified.

Snap-On Smile is your other option if you want that ready smile as you leave our clinic, or if you are not a candidate for implants or bridges. They are great for crooked teeth, stained teeth or gaps. These removable appliances require no permanent preparations, are reversible and are easily produced. You can just snap it on, no need for adhesives. Wash and clean your snap-ons as necessary.

Whatever Suits You

Though we offer traditional porcelain veneers, you might just want to park that for a while and instead go for the equally natural-looking Lumineers or Snap-on Smiles. At our Issaquah clinic, Meadow Creek Dental, we have both options waiting for you. If you are ready to dazzle with that smile, and you can’t wait, come on in for a consultation.

What’s with DNA Testing at Issaquah Dental?

Your Periodontal Health is on your DNA

Gum disease is a very common affliction and most people are bound to have it, anywhere from gingivitis to its severer form which is periodontal disease. There are reports that say 75% of Americans over 35 years of age have some degree of a periodontal problem.

Periodontal disease is caused by bacterial invasion, coming from poor oral hygiene, poor nutrition, and unhealthy habits. With its predominant symptoms of gum swelling, discoloration, gum recession and sometimes bad breath and bleeding, this advanced form can pervade other teeth and gum tissue. You may lose your teeth eventually.

However, studies show that even if widespread, different people respond to bacterial plaque differently. Certain populations are more prone to higher risks of developing severe periodontitis, while others are not. Their genetics seem to spell the difference. It becomes of clinical significance to test your DNA to find out if you are predisposed to the disease so that you are forearmed.

Test and Know at Issaquah Dental

To have your DNA tested at Meadow Creek Dental can establish a clear window to your periodontal health. Our Issaquah dentist employs this test to identify if you have a pathway to this condition, your risk is assessed and a personalized treatment may be necessary to manage it before it starts or before it worsens. Have this simple test at our Issaquah dental clinic and know how to win the battle.

Dental Clinic brings Hi-Technology to our Issaquah Dentistry

Expertise and Technology hand-in-hand

Our Issaquah dental practice stands in its solid reputation of professional expertise and the strong bonds formed between our staff and our patients. Our instrumentation and apparatus guarantee our commitment to time-saving procedures, accurate outcomes, and enhancement of patient experience.

Some of the tools that are worth mention have set our Issaquah clinic apart from others. Take our Diagnadent laser system which makes reliable and accurate detection of dental cavities. Even very small or beginning caries are spotted for monitoring or early arrest and treatment. We also use Biomimetic dentistry at Issaquah. It’s a conservative approach to restorative dentistry, building only on the damaged, broken or decayed tooth surfaces and restores them to their most natural-looking form and function. It uses advance bonding techniques meant to be final and lasting.

Only in the Hands of Experts

Our Issaquah dentist is also a proponent of E4D CAD/CAM technology; what we like to call ‘same day dentistry’. It’s a complete chair side digital system for pin-point accurate impressions and fabrications of same-day crowns, veneers or inlays. It is resource-saving for patients – eliminating multiple visits, trials and errors.
Dr. Dipti is a premiere provider of Invisalign, our answer to traditional, metal orthodontic braces. We also use the Perioprotect system for periodontal cases. Used at home and in-between visits, the patient benefits from a sealed medication supply via a mouth tray. Velscope is another tool we use. It’s an oral cancer screening device, and aids in oral examination.

These technologies work optimally in trained and experienced hands. Dr. Dipti and her staff are dedicated to continuing education that improves and updates their practice and professionalism. We’ve got fine recommendations of happy and satisfied clientele to prove it.

Have you thought about Quitting Smoking?

From Color to Cancer

As a dental professional, our Issaquah dentist, will encourage the smoker to kick the habit. Teeth show the visible signs of this deadly addiction quite clearly. Nicotine and tar components attach themselves to tooth surfaces, become sticky and attract food debris and bacteria. They become colonized areas where underneath the decay cavities form, usually in the backs of the teeth and under the gums.

Hardened and resistant to routine brushing and flossing, they turn brownish. The decrease saliva flow of smokers is incapable of hydrating the mouth or washing away cigarette debris.

Apart from the yellowish coloring of tooth surfaces and the accompanying undesirable breath, more serious effects of smoking are predictable. Smokers have a higher risk for gingivitis and periodontal disease. Their oral healing capacities are delayed, salivary glands are blocked, and loss of bone in their jaws is hastened.

This is not to mention the risk for oral cancer – which may involve the throat, tongue, jaw bone, or floor of the mouth. Not a pretty picture.

Getting the Assistance you need to quit smoking

Our dentists at Meadow Creek Dental, are a team of caring professionals who care about not just your oral health, but the overall health of our patients. Come over for a cleaning and, possibly, a whitening to start you off fresh.

When you come in for your appointment, mentioning that you do smoke or you are a nicotine user, we may keep an eye out for other concerns related to those who smoke.

Brushing and Flossing Anew: By Your Issaquah Dentist

Hiding your Teeth is Hiding your Smile

Consider what you eat and drink every single day. Those bits of food, sugars, and carbohydrates stuck in tight spaces are a beacon for bacterial growth. In no time, they harden, and a chain of events under-neath the calculus may start the process you might not be able to reverse. Certainly you brush and floss but are you conscientious enough? Are you doing the routine properly? Is it regular and consistent? Are you using the right bristled-brush? Is your flossing style really effective? Do you even keep your dental appointments? Some form of negligence or other on your part can lead to dental problems from pin-point caries to loss of teeth.

Proper oral hygiene cannot be stressed enough and one must regard the simple daily brushing and flossing as the foundation of overall good oral health. And the fruit is the smile. It’s quite a shame to hiding that because your teeth and gums are not in top form.

Issaquah Dental Practice promotes Brushing and Flossing

Your Issaquah dentist at Meadow Creek Dental knows how one’s state of dental health correlates to self-esteem. The practice has surely thrived all these years on the trust and patronage of its clientele, delivering top-notch dental services. But then, Dr. Dipti Srivastava and her entire staff can only harp on prevention more than the cure. Brushing and flossing are still at the top of the list of good oral hygiene practices.