Quality. Comfort. Technology.
Did you know that neglecting your dental health could be affecting your overall health?
At Meadow Creek Family Dental, we specialize in overall dental wellness. With Dr. Dipti and the team, you and your family will have a unique dental experience because we utilize the latest technologies and combine them with preventative techniques to provide the most comfortable and conservative dentistry available.
Meadow Creek Dental Difference
We believe that early detection is the key to true preventative care. Along with your routine check up and teeth cleaning, we offer the following services to boost your preventative care.
The Diagnadent system is a device that aides in the detection of cavities; DNA Testing is offered to customize your dental treatment as genetics plays a huge roll in your oral health.
Our oral cancer screenings are more thorough with the help of our Velscope, which allows us to view lesions that maybe over looked by the naked eye.
Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea also has an important roll in your over all health. Not only can it prevent sleep and cause snoring, but it can result in a growing number of health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart conditions. This is why at Meadow Creek Family Dental, we bring the sleep lab to your home then provide you with an Oral Appliance to free you of the ever so avoided CPAP.
Fixing your crooked smile may not only look great, but it may prevent or lessen the affects of periodontal disease. Dr. Dipti is a Premiere Provider of Invisalign, the invisible braces, and he also offers 6 Month Orthodontics for select candidates.
If prevention isn’t enough we look to the source of the problem, which may not always be the teeth, but your gums: combating periodontal disease is faster and less invasive with using Laser treatment and the Perioprotect system. This ensures we kill the bacteria and not your teeth.
Minimally Invasive
When working on the teeth cannot be avoided, rest assured that treatment at Meadow Creek Family Dental is minimally invasive and comfortable. Dr. Dipti’s dedication to continuing education has brought to our office.
This is your smile for life, we hope to be there for you every step of the way.
Meadow Creek provides dental services to patients from throughout the Issaquah and Sammamish area. Book an appointment online or call your Issaquah dentist today at 425-369-9116.