Most Common Dental Emergencies In Children

What Every Parent Should Know

Most parents likely panic when their young children should suddenly have a dental emergency. It’s important to know what to do next to better manage an otherwise nerve-wracking situation. Here are some of the most common emergencies and what it takes to have you calm and prepared.

A broken tooth

A cracked or broken tooth needs to be attended to right away by your dentist even if the damage does not look extensive. However, immediately rinse the mouth with warm water to clean the area, and, if swelling is present, apply cold compresses on the area of the face to lessen swelling. See your child’s dentist as soon as possible.

A knocked-out tooth

If a tooth has been knocked-out and is a permanent one, keep it moist in a container of milk or a tooth preservation product that will keep the tooth alive for 24 hours until a dentist can replant it. If it’s a baby tooth, there is no need to moisten it but must be brought to the dentist as well if it is found.

A loose tooth

It is best to leave the loose tooth in place though it may be a discomfort to the child. Let nature take its course, falling out without assistance. A permanent tooth coming loose may be the result of injury or trauma and needs to be attended to right away at the dentist.

A toothache

Firstly clean the area by rinsing the mouth with warm water. Remove any food debris caught in between teeth. Do not use aspirin. If the pain persists, contact your child’s dentist. It may indicate the presence of tooth decay.

Swelling gums

It may or may not be painful. See your dentist right away. It can indicate the presence of an infection of the gums.

Bitten tongue or lip

If your child bites his tongue or lip, clean the area gently with water and apply a cold compress. See your child’s dentist or go to the emergency room as soon as possible.

Broken jaw

If you think your child’s jaw is broken, apply cold compresses to control the swelling. Go to your child’s dentist or a hospital emergency department immediately.

Accidents can happen anywhere and any time. Always keep your dentist’s contact information handy.


Available Dental Emergency Treatments in Issaquah

At Meadow Creek Dental, a dental emergency is our priority. Whether you walk in or call ahead, we make every effort to accommodate dental emergencies on the same day.

No Pain? Doesn’t mean you don’t have Cavities

Some people will never go to the dentist’s office unless they feel pain or sensitivity.

After all, people will think the pain will go away or take medication to decrease the pain. Why should they go through the effort if there’s nothing wrong with their teeth?

This is a very unhealthy mindset to have and is a concern for many dentists because this mindset, of many people, puts them at serious risk of debilitating dental problems.

Prevention is Key

The fact is that, when it comes to tooth decay, you’re most likely not going to feel any pain until your cavity has penetrated all the way to the soft pulp at the center of the tooth. Once this occurs, you’re past the point where you can benefit from a simple filling and will need a full root canal, which a bit more of a procedure, may cost more, etc.

Indeed, if you need a filling, the only way to know for sure is to have a dental x-ray. This is why it is so important to go in for a dental checkup every six months. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that your teeth are healthy just because you don’t feel pain, and always keep your routine appointments with our dentist in Issaquah.

Building Good Flossing Habits

Flossing may be a difficult habit to develop, but it’s one that our Issaquah dentist strongly advises. Good flossing is in many ways more important even than brushing in terms of maintaining a clean mouth, as much of the surface of your teeth is out of the reach of your brush.

Flossing Tips

If you need a refresher course on how to floss, try following these simple steps:

  • First, pick a floss that works for you. Some people have narrower gaps between their teeth, for example, and need a narrower floss.
  • Floss at least once a day, preferably before your final brushing before going to sleep.
  • Use a length of floss about as long as your forearm (or around eighteen inches). You should then wind either end around your index fingers such that you’re holding about two inches between your hands. Unwind from one finger and wind up on the other as you go, giving yourself a clean piece of floss for every tooth.
  • Begin flossing, gently maneuvering the string into the space between your teeth and between your back teeth and gums. Make sure that you get both edges of all teeth, pulling the floss into a “V” shape against either surface as you go.
  • Take care with your gums! If you routinely draw blood, it might be because you’re sawing at your delicate tissues.

Acid Reflux and Dental Care

Effects of Acid Reflux on Oral Health

Some patients have the common condition called GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease, where stomach contents go up the esophagus from time to time usually caused by relaxation of the sphincter muscle of the stomach that prevents the escape. Doctors call it GERD or more informally as acid reflux. Some patients experience it several times a day while others, less often.

Stomach fluids are highly acidic and their passage up and down the esophagus causes some degree of burning sensation felt at the middle of the chest or the heart area. Hence, it is commonly called heartburn. Sometimes contents reach the top of the esophagus and into the mouth, referred to as a regurgitation. On the other hand, some patients don’t notice because they are symptom-free.

People who suffer from acid reflux also have tooth erosion and periodontal issues. Stomach acid, with a pH of 2 or 1, dissolves tooth enamel (pH of 5.5) on a day-to-day contact leading to thinning and weakening of the protective coating of teeth. It will soon expose the inner dentin and that is when a person with GERD will feel tooth sensitivity. If it goes on untreated, other symptoms can manifest, like bloating, burping, nausea, hiccups, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness and weight loss. It merits medical attention. Even brushing, flossing or mouthrinses may be unable to protect teeth.

Patients will feel tooth sensitivity to hot, cold and sweet drinks, gum and mouth irritation, sharp tooth edges, shortened or darkened teeth, especially the back molars. And even if you don’t notice the symptoms, and hence not go to your doctor-specialist, your dentist certainly will notice.

Regular Dental Visits Matter in Issaquah

That is why regular dental visitations can do you a lot of good. Over at Meadow Creek Dental, your regular visits can tell you not just the state of your oral health but your overall well-being as well. This comes from fresh oral examination every time you see us. Our experienced Issaquah dentist can tell you more about systemic conditions seen in your mouth.

What Are The Benefits of Bringing My Child to A Pediatric Dentist?

Leaving It To The Dental Experts

Many parents think that for their dental health, if their family dentist is good enough for them, it’s good enough for their children. While that works in many cases, there will be children with special needs who may benefit more under the care of a specialized dental professional – the pediatric dentist. Find out the unique advantages of working with a pediatric dentist.

There are children with behavioral problems and other special needs. Pediatric dentists are skilled in the guidelines for establishing trust between the child and provider. A comfortable, pleasant, and non-threatening environment is crucial in building confidence in the first visit and future visits. The dental staff is also trained to keep the patient at ease and focus on preventive care.

A great pediatric dentist is good with children, is calm and accessible, and able to deal with a child’s anxiety or expressed tantrums. Children with medical conditions require treatment modalities that suit the patient situation. Ethical values also influence the decisions in the treatment, as in the use of general anesthesia.

A child’s first dental visit carries some significance. Usually, a child should be first seen by the dentist no later than his or her first 12 months of age. Cavities may already be detected and its progression checked before it becomes a potential problem. The pediatric dentist can advise the parents on early detection of caries and other oral diseases on the first visit.

So it becomes very beneficial for parents to choose a good pediatric dental practice for their children’s welfare. Firstly, you leave your child’s oral health in the hands of professionals who know what they’re doing as that is what they are trained to do. Pediatric dentists are skilled in the knowledge of your child’s unique developmental stage. Finally, you are able to initiate your child to a happier dental experience so as for him or her to have positive memories where their oral health is concerned.

A good dental practice that caters to children should at least offer the following services:

  • Regular checkups and cleanings
  • Fluoride treatment
  • Tooth-colored fillings
  • Sealants
  • IV Sedation
  • Orthodontia
  • Emergency dental care


Best Dental Experience in Issaquah

Do you want your kids to look forward to a welcoming and relaxing experience when they visit their dentist? Then look no further than your pediatric dentist at Meadow Creek Dental in Issaquah.

Quick Questions You’d Like To Ask About Invisalign

Straight Forward Invisalign Q&A

Let’s say you know a few things about Invisalign but you want ready answers at your fingertips when an Invisalign question pops up in your head. Keep this list handy to help you decide if Invisalign is for you.

How safe is Invisalign?

It is a very safe treatment option for aligning crooked teeth. Your treatment plan is personally and regularly supervised by your dentist-orthodontist. If you adhere to your care team’s advice and instructions, you should be able to reach treatment goals as per plan, safely and successfully.

How long does treatment take?

Most treatment plans last between six and twelve months. That depends on how complex is your state of initial teeth alignment. It can last longer if your situation is more extensive.

How long should Invisalign be worn daily?

Ideally, the wear time is 24/7 because consistent pressure is highly desirable. However, 20 to 22 hours will do as well and the only times they should be off are: when you eat, brush and floss, and when you clean your trays. The longer it is off, the more prolonged the treatment will be.

What alignment issues can Invisalign correct?

Depending on your choice of specialist, Invisalign can correct crooked teeth, overlapping teeth, crowding, gaps between teeth, and misaligned and malpositioned jaws.

How much does it cost?

The average national cost of Invisalign ranges from $3,000 to $5,000, according to the Consumer Guide to Dentistry. That depends on how minimal or aggressive the suggested treatment plan needs to be.

Is Invisalign covered by insurance?

Yes, if your dental insurance plan includes orthodontic coverage. If it doesn’t it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to cover some of the costs of Invisalign with insurance.

How often are dental visits during treatment?

After you get your first set of Invisalign trays, you should visit every one or two weeks (or when your dentist-orthodontist tells you) for check-up of progress, for degrees of movement, and when you can move on to the next set of trays.

How soon can positive results be noticed?

Most patients start noticing results within a matter of weeks.


Answering More of Your Questions on Invisalign

If you have more questions than these, come see your Invisalign dentist in Issaquah today.

How is Invisalign Compared to Braces? Is it for Everybody?

Clear Aligners Versus Braces

There are many reasons to choose Invisalign over the traditional teeth straighteners – braces. While braces still work for others, Invisalign has more amazing benefits. It also has its downside, though. You’ll know if Invisalign is for you by reading on.

For starters, Invisalign does away with metal braces and wires. The brand uses soft, flexible patented plastic called SmartTrack. They come in trays. Aside from being more comfortable to wear, it gives you a clear, neat look that is barely there. Generally, no one will suspect you are under treatment for crooked teeth, so it is more aesthetically pleasing. It is designed to be more gentle on your tissues and hence, more comfortable.

Invisalign is removable, unlike conventional braces. You can take it off during meals and afterwards attach it again. No worries about what you want to eat; you can enjoy apples or any crunchy food without fear of breaking your straighteners; because they’re off while you eat. They are also very easy to clean, unlike braces; let alone cleaning your teeth while with braces. You can go on without bother while engaging in brushing and flossing your teeth. Henceforth, you deter the likelihood of developing cavities or plaque buildup as your aligners are not permanently attached.

While under treatment, you are provided with backup aligner trays. In cases that you might crack or break a tray, you always have a reserve. Likewise, it can happen that you lose a tray or misplace it. You do not need to rush to your orthodontist for an emergency appointment.

There are a couple of downsides to Invisalign, though. Using Invisalign requires a certain degree of compliance. This means that even forgetting to reapply your aligners, even by just a few hours, you could set your progress back. Remember that Invisalign requires some 20 to 22 hours each day of wearing.

Another issue is that Invisalign may not work for certain teeth misalignment issues. It’s not effective for complex bite problems, it’s not used for impacted teeth, too large spaces, or presence of bridgework. This suggests Invisalign is more effective for people whose teeth require only certain kinds of movement.

Nonetheless, a visit to your orthodontist can clear up things for you and help you determine if Invisalign is the best teeth aligner for you.


Finding More Benefits of Invisalign in Issaquah

When you think that Invisalign might be an option for you, knowing their benefits over braces, come see your certified Invisalign professional here at Meadow Creek Dental. We are happy to help.

What is Invisalign and How Does It Straighten Crooked Teeth?

Saying Yes To A Clear Solution

If you are thinking of fixing that smile, that could have been perfect except that it’s a bit crooked, you might want to consider Invisalign. Know about Invisalign and why it’s a popular option to fix crooked teeth.

It is actually a brand name of clear aligners to straighten out-of-place teeth. Unlike conventional teeth straighteners called braces, it’s almost unnoticeable, removable, and made up of soft plastic. Of course, just as braces, they are custom-made to fit your particular mouth and issues and works similarly by gradually straightening a person’s teeth. It is easy to use as it does away with wires and metal brackets that can leave some users uncomfortable.

How does Invisalign actually work?

Firstly, you must consult with an Invisalign dentist, who must be an orthodontist certified in Invisalign. Once evaluated and settled, your dental professional should get a precise 3D digital scan of your teeth and this will be the basis of your custom treatment plan.

Invisalign typically utilizes small ridges glued to certain teeth that are called attachments and they are the same color as your teeth. These attachments are three-dimensional and critical to achieve the goal. The aligners have corresponding ‘bumps’ built into the flexible plastic so as to engage with the attachments on the teeth. This engagement generates the specific force system. Invisalign moves teeth in micro-increments, just enough force with each change of movement until the desired position is reached.

Wearing your Invisalign keeps the pressure consistent to your teeth, gradually breaking down and rebuilding bone in the direction of the pressure. They are worn 20 to 22 hours a day and meant to be removed while eating or drinking. Depending on your orthodontist, you’ll have a change of aligners every one or two weeks. Once the goal is reached, a transparent retainer must be worn to keep the teeth in position, however, only to be worn at night.


Having Confidence with Invisalign in Issaquah

When you’re looking to improve your smile and confidence with Invisalign, do visit your Issaquah dentist here at Meadow Creek Dental. We’ll tell you more about Invisalign and how it can change your life.

Benefits of Rinsing your Mouth

Rinsing Your Mouth

Do you brush your teeth after every meal? Do you floss after eating? It may be inconvenient to brush and floss after each meal, but did you know just rinsing your mouth can offer several benefits for oral health?

Removing food particles

Rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash after eating helps dislodge and wash away food particles that may be stuck between your teeth or along the gumline. This helps prevent the buildup of plaque and reduces the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Reducing acidity

Acidic foods and beverages can erode tooth enamel over time. Rinsing your mouth with water after consuming acidic substances helps dilute and neutralize the acids, minimizing their harmful effects on your teeth.

Freshening breath

Rinsing your mouth with mouthwash can provide a fresh feeling and help combat bad breath. Mouthwash often contains ingredients that help kill bacteria and reduce oral odor, leaving your breath smelling pleasant.

Promoting gum health

Using an antimicrobial mouthwash can help reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in your mouth, which can contribute to gum disease. Rinsing with an appropriate mouthwash can help control bacterial growth and promote healthier gums.

Supporting healing after dental procedures

Rinsing with a prescribed mouthwash or a saltwater solution as recommended by your dentist can aid in the healing process after dental procedures such as extractions or oral surgeries. It can help keep the area clean, reduce inflammation, and promote faster healing.

Supplementing brushing and flossing

While rinsing is not a substitute for brushing and flossing, it can complement these essential oral hygiene practices. Rinsing can reach areas that may be difficult to access with a toothbrush or floss, providing an additional layer of cleanliness.

Remember, it’s important to choose the right mouthwash for your specific needs. Consult with your dentist to determine which type of mouthwash or rinse is most suitable for your oral health requirements.

What are the Benefits of Flossing?

Why is flossing beneficial? Let’s explore the advantages in more detail:

Plaque removal

Flossing effectively eliminates plaque, a sticky film that forms around and between teeth and along the gumline. Plaque is the result of bacteria mixing with starchy or sugary foods, and if left untreated, it can lead to tooth decay and cavities. Regular flossing helps remove food particles and plaque buildup, promoting oral health.

Cavity prevention

Tooth decay can result in cavities, which are small openings or holes in the tooth enamel. Flossing at least once a day helps remove hidden food particles and plaque, reducing the risk of tooth decay and cavities. The more plaque present on the teeth, the higher the chances of developing cavities.

Gum disease prevention

Flossing plays a crucial role in preventing gum disease. Gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease, is characterized by gum inflammation and bleeding. If left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis, which causes gum recession, bone loss, and loose teeth. Consistent brushing and flossing, along with regular dental cleanings, help reduce the risk of gum disease and maintain gum health.

Fresh breath

Flossing aids in combatting bad breath by removing food particles trapped between the teeth. When food remains in the mouth, it starts to decay, leading to unpleasant breath. Additionally, plaque buildup can contribute to cavities and gum disease, both of which can contribute to bad breath.

Potential heart health benefits

While the exact link between oral health and heart health is not fully understood, good dental hygiene has been associated with improved heart health. A study found that participants with excellent oral hygiene had a reduced risk of atrial fibrillation and heart failure. The connection may be related to the overall health of the body and the impact of oral health on systemic well-being.

Regular flossing offers several benefits, including plaque removal, cavity prevention, gum disease prevention, fresh breath, and potential positive effects on heart health. Incorporating flossing into your daily oral hygiene routine is a simple and cost-effective way to promote both oral and overall health.
