What Causes Tooth Loss And How Can I Prevent It?

Causes And Prevention

Find out what causes tooth loss. Is it natural to lose teeth as we age? Are there ways we can decrease the chances of tooth loss or altogether prevent it from happening?

Tooth loss is when natural teeth become loose and fall out. While baby teeth falling out is natural, losing your adult teeth may be problematic because they cannot be replaced naturally. As humans, we don’t grow a third set of teeth. There are many ways adults lose their teeth over a lifetime. Here are the most common causes.

The most common cause of tooth loss is periodontal disease, a more serious form of gum disease characterized by infection of the gums, creation of pockets that create spaces between teeth and gums, and destruction of soft tissue and supporting bone. This condition results from untreated and progressing gingivitis.

Another cause is dental caries. This is brought about by the action of leftover food debris on tooth sides and surfaces with the action of bacteria. Acid results from this interaction which damages the enamel, weakening it and creating holes. If unattended, the decay can progress deeper into the tooth structure until the tooth can no longer be saved.

Injury or trauma to teeth due to sports, accidents, fights, and other events that deliver a blow to the face or mouth can result in broken, cracked, or chipped teeth, or even teeth completely avulsed from their sockets. Any break on the tooth surface can lead to infection and decay.

How do you prevent tooth loss?

Tooth loss prevention is generally tied up with the practise of good oral hygiene. Toothbrushing and flossing keeps caries at bay and maintains gum health. Regular visits to your dentist enables professional examination of your oral cavity, spotting the beginning formations of tooth decay, cracks, or chips on tooth surfaces that should receive immediate attention and treatment. Your dentist will also recommend that you use a mouth guard if you engage in especially high contact sports.

Dentist visits also afford regular professional cleanings every 6 months, at least, to maintain the health of your gums, treat gingivitis early, or prevent the progress of gum disease.


Preventing Tooth Loss in Issaquah

Do visit your dentist in Issaquah regularly for examinations and cleanings to ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy. Regular consultations preserve mouth health for as long as can be.