All You Need To Know About Mouth Cold Sores

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment 

What are cold sores? Find out their causes and symptoms and how they are treated.

What are cold sores? Cold sores are painful viral infections in and around the mouth. Sometimes, they are  referred to as “fever blisters.” They appear as blisters, sometimes grouped in patches made up of very small, fluid-filled blisters. They manifest on or around the lips. A scab forms at the site after the blisters break and can last several days. However, they may not leave any scarring after the sores heal in several weeks.

What are the signs and symptoms?

There is a tingling and itching sensation around the lips, then blisters appear, after which, there will be oozing and crusting of the area. When it is the first time you are exposed to the virus, it may take about 20 days before the following signs appear: fever, painful gums, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes.

What triggers the resurgence of cold sores? 

Some factors like a fever, cold or flu, menstruation, allergies, or fluctuation in immunity response can cause recurrence. Likewise, even fatigue, stress, exposure to sunlight or wind, or a skin injury can trigger reactivation.

How are cold sores treated?

Antiviral medications as pills or creams can help sores heal sooner. They may reduce the severity, duration and frequency of future outbreaks. Anti-fever and pain relievers may help with the symptoms. A cold compress may reduce redness, remove crusting and promote healing; you can also use a lip balm. Relax to reduce your stress levels, avoid kissing while you have the blisters, don’t share personal effects, and avoid the sun and changes in temperature outdoors. 

Whether or not you may have cold sores, maintain a thorough oral care routine to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy.


Consulting With Issaquah Dentist

Know more about cold sores from your Issaquah dentist. If you think you may have these blisters, see us for a consultation.