Dental Care for the Pregnant Patient

Modifying Dental Treatment for the Mom-to-be

During a patient’s first trimester, the dentist resorts to a preventive care program. This means plaque control and oral hygiene instruction. Only cleaning can be done at this time, elective procedures are better postponed, though emergency needs can be considered. If it is absolutely necessary to have radiographs, the lowest dose possible exposure is allowed with no harm to the developing fetus. At this time its organs are forming and are most sensitive to radiation and chemicals.

From the second trimester through the first half of the third is the safest time for dental treatment. If the patient is under periodontal maintenance and preventive care, those can be continued. Simple restorative procedures may be done. No complex or elective dental care at this time.

To minimize hormonal gingival changes, scaling and prophylaxis may be repeated in the third trimester. Caution must be taken when seating the patient in the dental chair. Supine position can lead to loss of consciousness, not elevating the right hip will cause blood pooling in the legs. She must position herself on her side if feeling faint. Emergency dental treatment should be provided.

As far as medications go, lidocaine with epinephrine is safe, penicillin, clindamycin, and cephalosporins are safe antibiotics, acetaminophen is alright for most patients for pain, oxycodone is considered safe for severe pain. For analgesia, nitrous oxide is controversial but probably safe as long as there is oxygen administered as well.

Expectant Mom and Baby in Issaquah

Over at Meadow Creek Dental, we show concern for our pregnant patient’s well-being as well as her baby’s. It matters that the mother feels relaxed and have confidence in the treatment. It is best to avoid any dental emergency, but efficient, compassionate care reduces stress, says our Issaquah dentist.

Tooth-Friendly Nutrition

It’s old news that, if you want a healthier mouth, cutting down on refined sugars is a good start. However, this is not the only way to tailor your diet for superior oral health. There are important nutrients you should be looking out for in order to get the best out of your teeth and gums.

Make sure you’re getting enough of the following:

  • Calcium: Your body uses calcium to rebuild damage in your teeth and bones. A lack of calcium leads to weakness in your teeth.
  • Vitamin D: This vitamin is necessary for your body to absorb the calcium it needs to repair your teeth.
  • Vitamin C: You need vitamin C to fight infections. Further, a lack of vitamin C is associated with loose teeth and weak gums.

Also, eating foods that are low in sugar and high in fiber, like vegetables, grains, and meats, serves to scrub your teeth as you chew.

You can learn more about how to maintain healthy teeth by talking to Meadow Creek Dental’s Issaquah dentist.

Toothpicks are No Substitute for Floss!

Some people like to use a good toothpick or similar pick-like device to clean out between their teeth. However, there is really no substitute for a proper string of floss.

While toothpicks are good for extracting a corn husk or piece of spinach after a meal, they’re just not built to do the job of floss. Floss lets you get all the way into the gap between your teeth, which is the only way to reliably clear away plaque and detritus that has gathered there.

Possible Toothpick Risks

Trying to force a pick to go where your floss is meant to go only risks of spearing your gums or even splintering the pick, leaving irritating bits of wood amid your fragile tissues. The length of the floss also lets you cycle in a fresh bit of thread with every tooth, while a toothpick forces you to use the same plaque-stained tip for every gap between teeth.

Our Issaquah dentist recommends that you always get your daily flossing in, and never try to use a toothpick in its place. Consult Meadow Creek dental for more information on proper oral hygiene.

What you Eat Affects Your Teeth

Are there good foods and bad foods for teeth?

It will be beneficial for us to mind certain foods that are helpful to our dentition. Foods rich in calcium and phosphorus supply the mineral content of teeth that are lost over time to acid.

Calcium sources as dairy products – low-fat milk, hard cheese and yogurt – are good for teeth and bones. Leafy green vegetables, fruits and seafood also supply the lost calcium in teeth. A calcium-poor diet has been associated with risk of developing periodontal disease.

On the other hand, calcium needs phosphorus to potentiate its bone-strengthening capabilities. Cereals, sardines, salmon, and skim yogurt are phosphorus-rich. Also, get those foods with high water content like fruits and vegetables that keep the mouth hydrated and counteract the effects of sugar and acid, and increase saliva flow.

On the bad side, foods and drinks with high sugar content are poor choices for dentition. They attach to tooth surfaces and get into crevices which later attract bacteria. Acidic foods and fruits, and carbonated drinks, including diet sodas, are harmful to tooth enamel, causing a slow erosion of its protective layer.

Advice from Dentist

Dr. Dipti Srivastava is not saying not to enjoy your favorite food and drink, but if you must, then be mindful to keep your mouth cleaned up and washed off of those potential dangers.

Keep your basic oral hygiene practices – brushing, flossing, mouth washes – every time you have to indulge. Our Issaquah dentist says that eating healthy affects oral health and general well-being. Stay with mouth-healthy foods instead and keep the smile.

An Easy Way to a Cleaner Mouth

When our Issaquah dentist gives you your routine check-up, do you find that you’re developing plaque in a lot of the same places? Sometimes this is because you’re just neglecting a certain area, but this can also happen to people who are pretty sure they’re doing a thorough job.

If you know enough to cover every surface on your teeth, but you’re still seeing the same problem areas at your dental cleanings, the answer may be simple: you need to rotate your starting point.

Changing Your Brushing Habit

The fact is that people are creatures of habit. It’s likely that you always start brushing in the exact same area, and the rest of your brushing routine probably looks nearly identical from day to day.

This means that the same area is routinely getting the best of your attention, and you’re only reaching other parts of your teeth after you’ve grown impatient with brushing, diluted your toothpaste, and aren’t as focused on doing a good job.

To counter this, pay attention to where you start every day and try to change it up. Divide your mouth into quadrants, and focus on starting in a different one every time you brush. You may be surprised by the improvement you see on your next trip to the dentist!

How Effective are Fluoride Mouthwash?

Worldwide Systemic Review Confirms Benefits

Dental professionals have seen research supporting the evidence of the benefits of fluoride. It is known that fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by slowing the breakdown of enamel and increasing the rate of the remineralization process, making the enamel more resistant to acid. While dentists see the effects of fluoride in their general practice, can this be proved by statistics? Research is still ongoing and needs to be constantly systemically reviewed.

In 2016, the Cochrane Oral Health Group published its most recent review in which the objective was to determine the effectiveness and safety of fluoride mouthrinses in preventing dental caries in the child and adolescent population. This review included 37 trials involving 15,813 children and adolescents from different countries and spread over two to three years. Mostly trials based in schools and under supervision, the children were tested with sodium fluoride mouthrinses in specific concentrations.

There appear to be no significant differences regarding baseline caries severity, background exposure to fluorides, rinsing frequency or fluoride concentration. It confirmed that supervised, regular use of a fluoride mouthrinse can reduce tooth decay in both children and adolescents.

The combined results showed a 27% reduction in dental caries in subjects with decayed, missing and filled tooth surfaces when compared to another group that didn’t use fluoride mouthrinses. There was limited information on adverse effects or tolerance of children to the rinsing. The trial didn’t include children with primary teeth. Hence, there’s still room for more research.

The review has demonstrated the beneficial effects of fluoridated mouthrinses and more and more dentists trust the use of this compound in their practise.

Issaquah Dentists and Evidence-based Care

Over at Meadow Creek Dental, our professionals are in sync with trends and latest research findings in the dental field. When it comes to products and tools to advance patient care, we are always at the forefront of continuing education. Learn more about the benefits of fluoride mouthwash from your Issaquah dentist.

What’s with DNA Testing at Issaquah Dental?

Your Periodontal Health is on your DNA

Gum disease is a very common affliction and most people are bound to have it, anywhere from gingivitis to its severer form which is periodontal disease. There are reports that say 75% of Americans over 35 years of age have some degree of a periodontal problem.

Periodontal disease is caused by bacterial invasion, coming from poor oral hygiene, poor nutrition, and unhealthy habits. With its predominant symptoms of gum swelling, discoloration, gum recession and sometimes bad breath and bleeding, this advanced form can pervade other teeth and gum tissue. You may lose your teeth eventually.

However, studies show that even if widespread, different people respond to bacterial plaque differently. Certain populations are more prone to higher risks of developing severe periodontitis, while others are not. Their genetics seem to spell the difference. It becomes of clinical significance to test your DNA to find out if you are predisposed to the disease so that you are forearmed.

Test and Know at Issaquah Dental

To have your DNA tested at Meadow Creek Dental can establish a clear window to your periodontal health. Our Issaquah dentist employs this test to identify if you have a pathway to this condition, your risk is assessed and a personalized treatment may be necessary to manage it before it starts or before it worsens. Have this simple test at our Issaquah dental clinic and know how to win the battle.

Have you thought about Quitting Smoking?

From Color to Cancer

As a dental professional, our Issaquah dentist, will encourage the smoker to kick the habit. Teeth show the visible signs of this deadly addiction quite clearly. Nicotine and tar components attach themselves to tooth surfaces, become sticky and attract food debris and bacteria. They become colonized areas where underneath the decay cavities form, usually in the backs of the teeth and under the gums.

Hardened and resistant to routine brushing and flossing, they turn brownish. The decrease saliva flow of smokers is incapable of hydrating the mouth or washing away cigarette debris.

Apart from the yellowish coloring of tooth surfaces and the accompanying undesirable breath, more serious effects of smoking are predictable. Smokers have a higher risk for gingivitis and periodontal disease. Their oral healing capacities are delayed, salivary glands are blocked, and loss of bone in their jaws is hastened.

This is not to mention the risk for oral cancer – which may involve the throat, tongue, jaw bone, or floor of the mouth. Not a pretty picture.

Getting the Assistance you need to quit smoking

Our dentists at Meadow Creek Dental, are a team of caring professionals who care about not just your oral health, but the overall health of our patients. Come over for a cleaning and, possibly, a whitening to start you off fresh.

When you come in for your appointment, mentioning that you do smoke or you are a nicotine user, we may keep an eye out for other concerns related to those who smoke.

Brushing and Flossing Anew: By Your Issaquah Dentist

Hiding your Teeth is Hiding your Smile

Consider what you eat and drink every single day. Those bits of food, sugars, and carbohydrates stuck in tight spaces are a beacon for bacterial growth. In no time, they harden, and a chain of events under-neath the calculus may start the process you might not be able to reverse. Certainly you brush and floss but are you conscientious enough? Are you doing the routine properly? Is it regular and consistent? Are you using the right bristled-brush? Is your flossing style really effective? Do you even keep your dental appointments? Some form of negligence or other on your part can lead to dental problems from pin-point caries to loss of teeth.

Proper oral hygiene cannot be stressed enough and one must regard the simple daily brushing and flossing as the foundation of overall good oral health. And the fruit is the smile. It’s quite a shame to hiding that because your teeth and gums are not in top form.

Issaquah Dental Practice promotes Brushing and Flossing

Your Issaquah dentist at Meadow Creek Dental knows how one’s state of dental health correlates to self-esteem. The practice has surely thrived all these years on the trust and patronage of its clientele, delivering top-notch dental services. But then, Dr. Dipti Srivastava and her entire staff can only harp on prevention more than the cure. Brushing and flossing are still at the top of the list of good oral hygiene practices.

Protecting Your Teeth on a Meat-Free Diet

There has been a significant rise in the meat-free lifestyle in the past few decades. Many people are turning to vegetarianism or veganism, either out of concern for the environment or for their own health. Though there are, indeed, health benefits to such a diet, if you fail to plan properly, they can do more harm than good. This even extends to your oral health.

The problem with a meat-free diet is that meat is a low-carb, high-fiber food. When you eat it, it serves to naturally scrub food and plaque off of your teeth. Many fruits and vegetables are similar in their fiber content, but they also feed your oral bacteria with their plentiful sugar content.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t cut meat out of your diet. You’ll just need to take care to include more tooth-friendly dishes in your meals. Consider other high-fiber, low-sugar options, like legumes, beans, and whole grains. They will serve to clean your teeth in the same way meat does, while simultaneously giving you a good supply of vegan-friendly calcium to help you rebuild your tooth structure.

Talk to our Issaquah dentist to learn more about how to maintain good oral health.