What you Eat Affects Your Teeth

Are there good foods and bad foods for teeth?

It will be beneficial for us to mind certain foods that are helpful to our dentition. Foods rich in calcium and phosphorus supply the mineral content of teeth that are lost over time to acid.

Calcium sources as dairy products – low-fat milk, hard cheese and yogurt – are good for teeth and bones. Leafy green vegetables, fruits and seafood also supply the lost calcium in teeth. A calcium-poor diet has been associated with risk of developing periodontal disease.

On the other hand, calcium needs phosphorus to potentiate its bone-strengthening capabilities. Cereals, sardines, salmon, and skim yogurt are phosphorus-rich. Also, get those foods with high water content like fruits and vegetables that keep the mouth hydrated and counteract the effects of sugar and acid, and increase saliva flow.

On the bad side, foods and drinks with high sugar content are poor choices for dentition. They attach to tooth surfaces and get into crevices which later attract bacteria. Acidic foods and fruits, and carbonated drinks, including diet sodas, are harmful to tooth enamel, causing a slow erosion of its protective layer.

Advice from Dentist

Dr. Dipti Srivastava is not saying not to enjoy your favorite food and drink, but if you must, then be mindful to keep your mouth cleaned up and washed off of those potential dangers.

Keep your basic oral hygiene practices – brushing, flossing, mouth washes – every time you have to indulge. Our Issaquah dentist says that eating healthy affects oral health and general well-being. Stay with mouth-healthy foods instead and keep the smile.