Why Bad Brushing Techniques Need To Be Corrected

Brushing Misconceptions 

We always knew that to keep our mouths healthy, tooth brushing and flossing are key. Brushing our teeth keeps caries and cavities away, the main culprit in many potential issues that compromise our oral health. While we think we know everything about tooth brushing, we are unaware that there are bad and good brushing techniques. 

Did you know that brushing with too much pressure is not a good brushing technique?

You might think that applying hard pressure while brushing will remove all the grime and plaque on your teeth. Brush bristles are not meant to clean that way. Instead of bristles intending to reach in between your teeth, you are only mashing the bristles. 

What to do? Apply less pressure on your teeth while brushing. Make sure to hold your brush handle with just your fingertips and not by a full grasp. This will train you to not press too hard.  

Some people tend to scrub and not brush their teeth.

The scrubbing method may be your entire lifetime way of oral hygiene and it can be difficult to break. Vigorous scrubbing of your teeth can also cause gum irritation and soreness, and may lead to permanent damage. 

What to do? Do not scrub. Try to get accustomed to short, soft back and forth motion, covering the width of each tooth. Use also up and down strokes, especially the back areas of your teeth. This can enable your bristles to go in between the teeth spaces and remove wedged debris there. Let the bristles do their work.

Did you know that most people brush for only 45 to 70 minutes on the average?

It is too short a time to spend on brushing. You will not be able to cover each tooth in your mouth because you are in such a hurry. You will only leave certain areas still with debris and missing them will lead to more plaque build-up. 

What to do? Spend a full 2 minutes, at least, on brushing. This should ensure that you paid each tooth your best attention with the toothbrush. Use a timer, if necessary. You can also hum a favorite 2-minute tune. Important areas usually missed are the back teeth, so pay attention to them.


Good Brushing Techniques in Issaquah

There are more great brushing techniques and habits you can learn from our team and dentist. Visit your Issaquah dentist at Meadow Creek Dental soon.