The Potential Problems Caused by Wisdom Teeth

The Wisdom Tooth

Typically the human mouth should have room enough for 32 permanent teeth. But it doesn’t always happen that way. The last teeth to grow in may find they have little or no space, and that’s where the problem lies.

Known as third molars, these last teeth to grow in are part of the 32 teeth appearing each at the end of the upper and lower gums, right in the back of the mouth. A person between the ages of 17 and 21 years usually goes through this coming out of the four wisdom teeth. It does not always cause problems when they appear, except when they become trapped under the gums or in the jaw.

What sort of issues can they cause?

It can happen that the one’s jaw may be too small to accommodate the last tooth, leaving no space for an emerging molar. This may cause it to come out instead at an atypical angle, or only partially. You now have an impacted third molar. Crowding happens, with swelling and pain, discomfort in the jaw, pain in the ear area, an infection, and other complications. In rare instances a person can have more than four third molars.

Wisdom teeth that grow in a different position, like sideways, can cause pain and damage adjacent teeth. Sometimes there seems to be no apparent damage or even no pain or discomfort that accompanies it. However, just its angle and position enables difficulty of cleaning. Often tooth brushing or flossing is insufficient or lacking, and that leads to buildup of plaque and cavities. This is how infection and decay can set in.

Additionally, a resultant overcrowding may necessitate orthodontic treatments to correct the crooked teeth. If the tooth happens to grow into a sac in the jawbone, a cyst can form and this growth can damage the nerves, cause the jawbone to swell, and even damage the adjacent tooth. The normal tooth just beside the impacted tooth becomes more prone to cavities as it pushes against it. In rare cases, a non-malignant tumor may grow beside it.

Can you still keep your wisdom tooth as long as you practice good oral hygiene? Yes, you can. However, periodic dental checkups are necessary to monitor changes in your mouth. See your dentist regularly.


Looking After Your Wisdom Teeth in Issaquah

When you’re around the age your wisdom teeth are erupting, see your friendly Issaquah dentist here at Meadow Creek Dental. It’s alway best to be guided accordingly to foresee potential problems.