The Aspirin Myth

There is a myth floating around that you can ease a toothache by placing an aspirin next to it. However, our Issaquah dentist advises that this is not a wise practice. Not only will this not alleviate your pain, but you are in fact only making your problem worse.

The cause of most toothaches is an inflammation of the pulp tissues at the center of the tooth, which swell up and push against the immovable wall that is your dentin. This can therefore benefit from an anti-inflammatory drug, but only if you actually swallow it and let it work its way into the pulp via the bloodstream. Meanwhile, an aspirin pill is acidic; placing it next to your tooth is doing the same damage that your oral bacteria is doing every day.

When your tooth is aching, swallow the aspirin, ice the area, and call Meadow Creek Family Dental as soon as possible.