Most Women Practice Better Dental Care

In the battle of the sexes, it would seem that women are ahead in terms of proper dental care. This is according to a study conducted by the Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences. This study surveyed eight hundred participants on their dental habits, then subjected them all to a dental examination. Their findings were as follows:

  • Women were 26% more likely to report flossing every day.
  • Women were about twice as likely to report maintaining regular checkups.
  • 44% of women surveyed stated that they were aware that their overall bodily health was influenced by periodontal visits. 33% of men reported the same.
  • Women were about twice as likely to take notice of a missing tooth in another person.
  • 74% of women stated that they would feel embarrassment at being seen with a missing tooth. 57% of men said the same.

If your own dental habits could stand some improvement, contact Meadow Creek Dental. Our Issaquah dentist can give you the proper care that you deserve.