Issaquah Dentist says: Dental Implants for All

What Makes and Doesn’t Make You an Ideal Candidate for Implants?

While fixed bridges and removable dentures used to be the norm for missing teeth, these days, many dentists and patients are going for dental implants. And why not? This mode of treatment gives a natural look and feel in the mouth, protects healthy bone and keeps your natural teeth in place. They are built to last a lifetime with their predictable outcomes.

Most people are good candidates for dental implants. As long as you have healthy gums, sufficient bone in your jaw and of good quality, and a commitment to proper oral hygiene, you are a fine candidate for implants. Some may not be ideal candidates, but that depends on your dentist’s judgment and the severity of the patient’s condition. They have to do with the health of your gums and jaw bone.

There are young people whose bones are still growing, hence, the jaw bone lacks maturity. Heavy smoking, excessive alcohol use, high-dose radiation to the head and neck, and severely depressed immune system all slow down healing significantly after implant surgery and can contribute to dental implant failure. Pregnancy also alters the state of the gums and consistency of bone. Those who grind their teeth are another less-than-ideal candidates. Then, persons with chronic diseases or systemic problems like uncontrolled diabetes, connective-tissue disease, and hemophilia have issues with bleeding gums, brittleness of bone, and frequent infections.

However, these patients may still be candidates for dental implants, depending on the dentist’s discretion and after proper evaluation. If the situation is not too far gone, meaning there is still sufficient quantity and quality of jaw bone, and the dentist finds adequately healthy gum tissue to work on, implants can still be an option. You, as the patient, should also commit to proper oral hygiene and regular follow-ups to ensure implant success.

Ensuring Dental Implant Success in Issaquah

Are you ready for implants? Know from your Issaquah dentist if you are a candidate for this popular and reliable restoration procedure everyone is talking about.